Toyota Encourages Australians to Connect with Nature and Plant a Tree for Planet Ark’s National Tree Day
July 29, 2021

Toyota Ambassador, Adam Goodes planting a Eucalyptus Baby Blue tree seedling to celebrate Planet Ark’s National Tree Day
Toyota Australia’s dealer network, students and local communities are giving nature a helping hand this week for Australia’s largest annual tree-planting and nature care events1 – Planet Ark’s Schools Tree Day and National Tree Day.
Organised by Planet Ark in partnership with Toyota Australia, Schools Tree Day is held on Friday 30 July and National Tree Day on Sunday 1 August with local dealerships across the country getting involved and assisting local schools, councils and community groups with various planting activities. Events in locations impacted by COVID-19 restrictions will be rescheduled to a later date.
Toyota Australia Chief Marketing Officer, John Pappas, said the support by Toyota and its dealer network for the 22nd year of Planet Ark’s National Tree Day shows the collective commitment on building a greener future.
“This year, we want everyone to roll up their sleeves, get involved and if you are able to, volunteer at a local tree planting event to support Planet Ark’s National Tree Day” Mr Pappas said.
For those who can’t attend Planet Ark’s National Tree Day events this year, another way to give nature the helping hand it needs is through donations to The Seedling Bank – a program launched in 2019 that supplies native seedlings to schools and community groups around Australia.
The Toyota dealer network will be providing a variety of useful gear for planting days including items like hats, gloves, tree guards, seedlings, and vouchers. Over the past 25 years, more than 26 million native trees, shrubs and grasses have been planted by 5 million volunteers for Planet Ark’s Schools Tree Day and National Tree Day.
Dealer activity this year includes:
- Jarvis Toyota (SA) is celebrating their 14th anniversary of Planet Ark’s National Tree Day this month, getting the community together to plant 600 seedlings.
- Filby’s Motors, (QLD) & St Catherine’s Catholic College’s Planet Ark’s National Tree Day event on August 1 will include plantings of native trees at the school, free jumping castle and face painting, BBQ, mini sustainable market and a Toyota hybrid vehicle display
- Maddington Toyota (WA) is supporting Serpentine Jarrahdale Landcare by planting species to support Black Cockatoo foraging (supplied by Birdlife WA) at Mandejal Brook near the entrance to Whitby Estate
Toyota Ambassadors, Adam Goodes, Guy Sebastian, Katie Brennan and Friends of the Brand, Phoebe Burgess, Emma Hawkins, Abbey Holmes, Scott Pendlebury and Emma Vosti are also getting their hands dirty by planting a tree seedling to encourage Aussies to participate in this year’s Planet Ark’s National Tree Day.
To find out more visit: or visit a local participating Toyota Australia Dealership.
1 All public events will be held in accordance with local COVID-19 protocols to ensure the safety of National Tree Day participants across Australian communities.